CHW Training
Health Equity for All
The Center for Well-Being has been training CHWs for almost 30 years, engaging California residents as community leaders and building their skills to provide peer-to-peer education. The Center offers a myriad of CHW training programs, including an 80-hour core competency program aligned with California state requirements for Medi-Cal reimbursement. Our curriculum is informed by CHW core competencies recognized by both the 1998 National Community Health Advisor Study and the 2016 Community Health Worker Core Consensus (C3) Project as representing the key core competency skills for CHWs. Interested in signing up for our next training? Please contact us today!
CHW Training Opportunities
We offer CHW Core Competency training and certification, in addition to specially designed curriculum and learning modulars for CHWs that work in schools, in community, at nonprofits, and within the clinical setting. All of our learning opportunities honor the lived experience of participants – and they are engaging, interactive, and fun! Interested in us developing a special workshop for you or your team? Contact us today!

Who Should Enroll?
Our online training is ideal for anyone interested in a career in the field of community health, those who want to find employment as a CHW, and for those who are currently working as a CHW and want to grow their skills. Upon completing the program, certified CHWs will be equipped to provide health education to individuals and groups, engage in strategies that can be used to help navigate the service landscape to link people to critical resources, and advocate for client and community needs in both clinic and community settings. Please contact us for programs and pricing.
Why Get Certified?
CHWs work in a variety of settings and perform many different roles, and our training program will help you exceed in all of them! Additionally, many employers either currently, or will in the near future, require that their employees or new hires receive a CHW certificate from a training program like what we offer at the Center for Well-Being. By July 2024, this will be a state requirement. We’re here to support you in your career!

What Participants Will Learn